Computer virus | Methods of Spreading and Prevention and Protection - Key Characteristics of Computer Viruses

Computer virus

A computer virus is a malicious software program designed to spread from one computer to another and disrupt normal computer operation. It can corrupt or delete files, steal sensitive information, or cause other harmful effects. Viruses can attach themselves to legitimate programs or files, spreading when these programs or files are executed.

Key Characteristics of Computer Viruses
Computer virus

Key Characteristics of Computer Viruses:

1. Infectious: Viruses can replicate and spread to other files or systems when the infected file or program is executed or opened.

2. Destructive: Viruses can corrupt, delete, or modify files and data on the infected computer.

3. Hidden: Viruses often operate in the background, making it difficult for users to detect their presence.

4. Self-Replicating: Some viruses have the ability to create copies of themselves and spread to other files, programs, or systems.

5. Payload: Viruses often have a payload, which is the harmful action they are designed to perform, such as deleting files, stealing information, or displaying unwanted messages.

6. Activation: Viruses may be triggered by specific events, dates, or conditions, leading to their activation at a particular time.

Methods of Spreading Computer virus:

1. Email Attachments: Viruses can spread through infected email attachments. Users unknowingly download and execute the virus when they open the attachment.

2. Infected Files: Viruses can attach themselves to executable files or documents. When users run the infected program or open the document, the virus is activated.

3. Malicious Websites: Visiting malicious websites or downloading files from untrusted sources can lead to virus infections if the website or files contain malicious code.

4. Removable Media: Viruses can spread through USB drives, external hard disks, or other removable media devices. When an infected device is connected to a computer, the virus may spread to the computer.

5. Networks: Viruses can spread over computer networks, infecting other computers connected to the same network.

Prevention and Protection to Computer virus:

- Antivirus Software: Using up-to-date antivirus software can help detect and remove viruses from a computer.
- Email Filters: Email filters can help identify and quarantine emails containing suspicious attachments or links.

- Regular Updates: Keeping operating systems, software, and antivirus programs updated helps protect against known vulnerabilities that viruses might exploit.

- Caution: Users should be cautious when opening email attachments, downloading files from the internet, or clicking on suspicious links.

- Firewall: A firewall can prevent unauthorized access to a computer, providing an additional layer of security against malware.

Being aware of online security practices and exercising caution while using the internet can significantly reduce the risk of computer virus infections.
