Biography of Manvendra Rai | my experiences

Biography of Manvendra Rai

Biography of Manvendra Rai
Biography of Manvendra Rai
Manvendra Rai was born in 1888 in Arbalalia village of Bengal. His birth name was Narendra Bhattacharya. Beginning his life as an underground revolutionary, the Bang Bhang movement played an important role in 1905. He was the founder of India, Germany revolutionary conspiracy. In 1907, Chingripora railway station near Calcutta was declared a political offender of robbery.

Armed forces for the revolutionary movement in India were sent to Germany. From there, the British escaped escorted to China, Japan and America. Here, with the help of Lala Lajpat Rai, she is married to an American woman Evelyn. They wanted to liberate India from Germany and get independence. Detectives detonated them and arrested them.

As soon as he got bail, he arrived in Mexico. There he started a new life as a thinker, writer and communist leader. From there moved to Russia In Russia he became an intimate disciple and fan of Lenin. Impressed by his boldness and merit, Lenin wanted to make him the deputy of Russia in Afghanistan. By staying in Russia, he succeeded in making Lenin two great disciplines - Tatsky and Stalin. Staying here has become prestigious as Asia's Communist leader.

Materialism of Manvendra Rai

Unlike most Indian philosophers, opinions were completely materialistic and atheist philosophers. He firmly believed that the entire world can be interpreted only on the basis of materialism. There is no need to accept the existence of any sensible power like God. Only through proper observation and subtle analysis of natural phenomena, their actual nature and causes can be understood. The basic element of the world is material money or pulp and all things are different conversion of this Pudgal, which are controlled by certain natural laws. The basic premise of the world is not the last power of any object other than this Pudgal. In order to separate his philosophy from traditional materialism, Rai names it as a 'material commodity' in place of materialism. They consider the human direct as the basic premise of complete knowledge. In this connection, he has a clear statement that 'the object which is possible by man, is actually the existence of it, and the object which is not directly knowledgeable for human beings does not even exist.'

Antiquity of Materialism

Referring to the great tradition of materialism, Manvendra Rai says that materialistic ideology is as ancient as the human thought itself. Indian and Greek thinkers have been supporting this ideology since ancient times. In our Vedas and Upanishads, the fundamental elements of materialism are present, in order to confirm their opinion, Manvendra Rai quotes the following sentence from 'Upanishad Sutra-2' -

'There is no incarnation, no God, no heaven or hell, the literature of all traditional theology is the work of arrogant fools'.

Philosophy and thought of Manvendra Rai

Manvendra Rai has a special place in modern Indian political thought. Rai's political thought is the result of a long conceptual journey. They are not tied to any ideology. They considered it necessary to coordinate between the materialistic base of ideas and the moral purposes of human existence. While he criticized the capitalist system, there was no way back in the criticism of Marxism. In view of the efforts of Rai to explore the entire human philosophy, it concluded that the prevailing economic and political systems of the world do not ensure the overall welfare of the human. In capitalism, Marxism, Gandhiism and other ideologies, he found elements that in some way impose restrictions on human power, independence, and autonomy.

Manvendra Rai has strongly supported human dignity from his new humanistic philosophy, calling itself human center for its independence and its personality. In fact, in the twentieth century, fascist and communist holistic system of state suppressed the individual's freedom and personality, and in the liberal democracy, in the name of human welfare, constantly warn of the tendency to concentrate. Rai has given the strong intellectual views in favor of the person's freedom and dignity of personality, has a special significance for the modern age.

Personal freedom of Manvendra Rai

Manvendra Rai gives special importance to individual's individual freedom, because in his view, without this freedom, a person can not really be happy. The basic premise of his political philosophy is the individual's independence. From personal liberty, they mean that the unjust and unnecessary restrictions should be imposed by the state and society on the actions and thoughts of man and accept the special significance of the society by not accepting the means of advancement. In this regard, Rai has a different divide than Marxists, because there is no place for man's personal freedom in Marxism. In his youth he was very impressed with Marxism, but later his ideas changed and he considered this ideology to be single and faulty.

Works of Manvendra Rai

(1) The Way to Deuterable Peace

(2) One Year of Non-Cooperation

(3) The Revolution and Counter Revolution in China

(4) Reason, Romanticism and Revolution

(5) Indian in transition

(6) Indian Problems and Their Solutions

(7) The Future of Indian Politics

(8) Historical Role of Islam

(9) Fasism: It's Philosophy, Professions And Practices

(10) Metalliology

(11) New Orientation

(12) Beyond communism to humanism

(13) New Humanism and Politics

(14) Politics, Power and Parties

(15) The Principles of Radical Democracy

(16) Constitution of free India

(17) Radical Humanism

(18) Inferior Definitions

(19) Signs and Philosophy

(20) Twenty Two thesis
