Tools and Skills for Learning HTML | my experiences

Right Tools and Skills for Learning HTML

Tools and Skills for Learning HTML - Before writing HTML Codes and before creating the website from HTML it is important to know that you and your computer are all ready to write HTML Codes? Because some technical skills and tools are required to write HTML and to create a website from HTML. With the help of HTML code written and viewed.
Tools and Skills for Learning HTML
Tools and Skills for Learning HTML

In this Lesson, we will tell you about the technical skills needed to write HTML Codes and some of the Essential Right Tools. So that it can be sure that you and your computer are all set to create a webpage with HTML code. We have divided this lesson into the following parts.

Table of Content

1. Technical Skills required to write HTML
  • Knowledge of Computer Fundamentals 
  • Keyboard Information 
2. Right tools to Write HTML
  • Text Editor
  • Web Browser
3. what have you learned?

1. Technical Skills required to write HTML

1. Knowledge of Computer Fundamentals

To write HTML, you must have knowledge of Computer Fundamentals. For this, you should know about some computer basics functions. Basics Tasks are essential for you to run the computer, create a folder in the computer, save the file in the computer, open the save file in advance, run any computer program and close it etc.

If you do not know Computer Fundamentals, you can take the information of Computer Basics in Hindi by reading our Computer Tutorials. Because our Computer Tutorials are available in Hindi language.

2. Knowledge of Keyboard

If you know about computer programming, you know well? That programming language is coding. Similarly HTML code is also coded. Similarly, HTML Coding is done through HTML tags. For which we have to use the keyboard. Therefore, it is important that you also have computer keyboard information.

You should know the names of the keys available on the keyboard and use the Keyboard Keys. We have made a Lesson separately about Computer Keyboard and its usage. You can take full information about Key Board by reading this Lesson.

2. Right tools to write HTML

You need to have the right information about the right tools for HTML. Because some people think that for HTML Coding we have to buy tools from the outside. But, that's not right. Because these tools are already available in your computer. And you do not have to spend a single penny for them.

So let's know what are the tools needed to do HTML programming? And what is the name of these tools? And where are these tools available on your computer?

1. Text Editor to write HTML

HTML Document is a Simple Text file. For which we need a Simple Text Editor. You can use Notepad for this task. Which is already installed on your Windows PC.

There is a Perfect Tool for writing Notepad HTML Code. That's why you use Notepad to create HTML document. Do not use MS Word such as Rich Text Editor for HTML Coding.

2. Web Browser

Web Browser is needed to read HTML Coding. If you open an HTML document in Notepad, then you will not see anything except HTML tags.

Therefore, the browser is used to understand HTML tags. An Internet browser understands HTML tags and shows us its meaning. Like we want to write heading in the HTML document. So for this, we use HTML Heading Tags. Browser reads this HTML Heading Tags and understands it. After this we show Heading.

Your computer already has a secure and useful browser installed. Whose name is Internet Explorer. It is known only by the name of IE. You can also use Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox as well.

What have you learned?

In this Lesson you know that what are the required Technical Skills and Essential Right Tools to write HTML Codes? We hope this lesson will prove useful to you. If you have any ideas related to this Lesson, then you can tell us through the comment.