Homerul League Movement | Purpose and main reason - Achievements of the Indian Home Rule Movement

Homerul League Movement:

The Homerul League movement was started because it was mainly due to the constitutional form of self-government under the British Empire. Let us tell you that the main leader of this Home League was Bal Gangadhar Tilak and Annie Besant.

For achieving Swarajya, Bal Gangadhar Tilak was established on 28th April, 1916 in Homaglag league in Belgaum. The highest impact was that of Karnataka, Maharashtra, Madhya Pradesh and Barar.

Purpose and main reason - Achievements of the Indian Home Rule Movement
Homerul League movement
The special point of this movement was that without the use of non-violence, the British government had tried to give self-government to the Indian colony.

The word 'homrul' was originally taken from such a movement in Ireland. First used by Shyam Jee Krishna Varma in London in 1905 The Indian Homerul League was formed on the pattern of Homerul league of Ireland, which represented the rapidly emerging reactionary politics in the then-current conditions. Anne Besant and Tilak had an important role in this movement.

What is Home Rule Movement?

At the same time homarul is a situation in which a country's governance is run by the permanent citizens of that country. Let us know that the Homerol movement was mainly run to reduce the control of British rule. Homerul was run as a movement from 1870 to 1907 in Ireland.

Purpose of Home Rule Movement

  • The purpose of getting Swaraj
  • The goal of encouraging
  • Bringing the reality of British rule to the front of everyone and speeding up the anti-British struggle through movement.
  • Putting real face up and emphasizing the British conflict conflict through movements.
  • Bringing political mobility on its own while keeping the principles of Congress.
  • Getting more political representation in government

The main reason of the introduction of the Homerul movement in India 

  • In India, when the Congress split, the national level movement is not ticking. But slowly, when the Indian got bored with political inaction, the desire to eliminate political inactivity has emerged as the main catalyst of Homarul.
  • After World War I, the tyranny of the British was increasingly increasing. The Indian resources were used by the British in the open, while blaming the Indians for its losses, besides the public was also upset with rising inflation. Because of which the public has been motivated to further the movement.
  • One reason for the Homerul movement was that both the moderate and the haphazard parties were influenced by the division of the Congress. At the same time, due to the breakdown of Congress, the government was ignoring the demands of moderates. In such a way the coordination between the Homranul movement has emerged as a means of empowering Indian demands in front of the government.
  • Bal Gangadhar Tilak being released from jail is also one of the main reasons for the movement. In 1914, when the release of Balgangadhar from the jail, the movement was organized in Maharashtra by organizational structure. Bal Gangadhar emerged as a main leader of the Tilak movement and he made wide publicity of the movement.

Home Rule League of the Annie Besant:

Annie Besant, who was a woman from Ireland's Theosophist, also gave her full support in the Home League movement. He came to India in 1896. It was started by Annie Bensent, from 1914 onwards to achieve Swaraj. Simultaneously, through these letters, Indians were introduced to politics and independence.

In September 1916, Annie Besant established the Home Rule League in Adyar of Madras. George Arundel was appointed secretary during this period. Apart from Madras, he had opened nearly 200 branches all over India.

Achievements of the Indian Home Rule Movement
Home Rule League of the Annie Besant

In the Homeless League of the Anibandus, Joseph Baptista, V. P. Wadia, C. P. Ramaswamy Aiyar played the main role. While Jawaharlal Nehru, Pandit Madan Mohan Malaviya, Surendra Nath Banerjee, V. Chakravarti was one of the main members of his league.

While members of Gopalakrishna Gokhale's 'Servant of India Society' were not allowed to enter the Home Rule League. Annie Besant had a high number of members of the Home Rule League, but it was weak compared to the organization of Home Rule League of Tilak.

Achievements of the Indian Home Rule Movement

There have been several important achievements of the Homerul League movement. Which are written below -

The special point of the Home League movement was that due to this movement the importance of the masses was given, whereas those who had demanded the reform of the administration through the movement demanded the reform of the administration, the mentality of the freedom movement fixed by them is permanent Really changed
Among the important achievements of this movement, it was also a major achievement that it established organizational links between the cities and the cities. After that, people benefited at a much larger level later. At the same time, every citizen of the country played an important role in the Indian independence movement. That was the donation of organizational form to this movement.
The main achievement of the Home League movement was that the movement gave rise to a new generation of belligerent nationalists. With this, the Indian population was asked to use Gandhian ideals of politics.
In August 1917, Montague announcements and Montford reforms were largely influenced by the Homerol League movement.
With the efforts of Tilak and Anne Besant, the Lucknow session of the Congress (1916) helped in getting the agreement between Narmandal and Jaladaw nationalists. This contribution of League leaders proved to be milestone in the process of national movement.
The Homerul League movement provided a new direction and new dimension to the Indian independence movement.

Effects on the Indian Freedom Struggle

Homelig movement was started for getting Swaraj, but due to the oppression and diplomacy of the British, agitators can not achieve Swaraj, but this movement has influenced the Indian freedom struggle at large.
People took part in the Homrul movement. Let us know that during this period, the importance of Swaraj was widely publicized through letters and magazines. Thereby, the sense of national consciousness developed in the public. Along with that, this consciousness of the public has been further motivating the freedom movement.
The list of non-violent protest adopted by Tilak was adopted in the list of the strict suppression of the movement. This policy has been used extensively in the independent movement.
In this way the Homerol movement ended the desolation that flourished during the National Movement in India and the work of connecting the people and the people with the freedom movement.

Results of the Home Rule League 

The effect of the Home Rule League was increasingly increasing, after which the British Government had reduced Annihilated influence of this movement in the year 1917 by Annie Besant, George Arundel and V.P. Wadia was arrested.

For this, Mohammad Ali Jinnah fought the case and S. Subramaniam returned the title of the protest note 'knighthood'. Annie Besant was arrested in the Home Rule League movement. After that, the popularity of the ambient was greatly increased. This was the main reason that he was elected the first female president of the Congress of 1917 at the Calcutta Convention of Congress.

In addition to this, Tilak was called an English writer, Valentin Sirol, in his book, 'Father of Indian Turbulence', after which he came to London to sue the writer for defamation.

At the same time, due to the pressure from all sides, India Secretary Montagu set the resolution of Indian colonial rule to pass. After which the Home Rule League movement was abolished on 20th August 1917.