Anti-Nuclear Movement

What are the Anti-Nuclear Movements?

Every country has always wanted to be ahead of the rest of the country and it is expected that no one bowed down in front of anyone. For this, as well as increasing production, he also wants to strengthen himself in arms matters. For this, he uses nuclear energy ie Nuclear Energy which increases the military and economic power in the country, but the country begins to go to the same trough.
Anti-Nuclear Movement
Anti-Nuclear Movement
Using this, there is a lot of harm to the environment and we have seen this in Hiroshima-Nagasaki. In view of these disadvantages, anti-nuclear movement in many countries of the world was launched which were against the use of nuclear energy and weapons made from them.

Purpose of Anti-Nuclear Movement

As every movement or movement aims at it, it also had a special purpose. Telling the Government how much of our society and environment is being lost due to this work. How much is affecting the lives of the general public.

Whereas these plants have been installed, the local resident of that area is forced to live a life of hell. Along with this, tell the common people how much risk our society has with these plants. Debates, movement, dharna etc. were done for this.

When When The Movement - Anti Nuclear Movement History
When the US attacked Hiroshima-Nagasaki in 1945, the rest of the countries were shocked and they were shocked by the attack. People from many countries started condemning this attack and started saying it wrong.
Purpose of Anti-Nuclear Movement
Purpose of Anti-Nuclear Movement

It included several scientists who were working for the nuclear energy and the resulting weapons. After this many small movements continued for many years, but in the year 1970, there was a huge movement in West Germany's WYHL and it was against nuclear power plants.

The effect was that in 1975 many plants were closed, so the rest of the organizations felt that this movement could be effective. This year's impact of the movement took place in America and Europe. After this, in the city of BILBAO in Spain in 1977 about twenty thousand people came to Sdko and began to oppose Nuclear Energy, in which the government came into action and they had to think about it.

After this, in the year 1979, the same happened in the US New York City, and in almost such a number, people came to the road to protest atom.

After this, in the year 1981, about ten thousand people started mobilizing in Bridgford Nuclear Power Plant in Germany and during this period, police also got an encounter. This is the first time that police and the public have come face-to-face against the atom.

After this, on June 12, 1982, people protested in New York City of America, in which about one million people joined and protested against nuclear energy and weapons that were formed, and voiced the closing of nuclear plants.

Just a year later in 1983, about six lakh people came to the West Bank in Sedko and raised their voice against the nuclear weapons and made the movement.

After this, in 1986, about two lakh people in Rome, Italy's capital, came in front of everyone as a movement to raise voice against their own country's Nuclear system. The impact of all these movements was such that the US stopped many Nuclear Power Plant such as SHOREHAM, YANKEE ROWE, MILLSTONE1, RANCHO SECO and MAINE YANAKEE.

At the same time, some groups were banned, which were opposing the Nuclear Power Plant but later they were allowed to work around the year 2000 and the ban was withdrawn from them.

After this, there was talk of loss of Green Revolution, greenery, environment and atom for a long time and it was affected that countries such as Australia, Denmark, Greece, New Zealand and Norway closed all Newquilion power stations in 2016.

Movement in India - Anti Nuclear Movement in India
It is not that there was movement for closure of nuclear plants and their weapons only in outer countries, but there was a movement for it in India too. The movement was going on for a long time, which was being done under the "People's Right Movement" and its coordinators were S. Shivsubramanian, who was a social activist.

The existence of this movement came to light in 2011 when it started taking a terrible form. This movement happened in Kudankulam in Tamil Nadu where the nuclear power plant was installed. The government too tried a lot to crush this Andolan but it did not succeed.

After this, the Koodankulam people took water Satyagraha on approximately 12 or 13 September 2012. They created a chain of many people and stood in the sea and seeing this, the movement started catching the air and everyone started raising the demand to shut down this plant.

The main demands of these agitators were the ban on the process of refueling for the Kudankulam nuclear power project, the planning of the arrest of the leaders of the anti-nuclear movement, the people who suffered loss, adequate compensation and the release of those detained. .

Why the nuclear plant should be discontinued 

Where the country is increasing the danger and there is a shortage of energy, why is it being said to shut down and stop the nuclear plants? The reason behind this is clear.
nuclear plant should be discontinued
nuclear plant should be discontinued

Actually the steam that comes out of the high power of the nuclear powerhouse looks white or sometimes appears green but it is very harmful. It contains terrible radioactive elements such as Stratium 90, iodine 131, and kaisium 137 which can stay in the environment for many years.

Their figure is about 600 hundred years. After this, when the rain occurs, these particles come together in water with water and they also have mental cancer along with blood cancer, thyroid, bone and body weakness.

An example of this is Nagasaki where the mental disorder is found in the people even today and the people there are not normal. There are places like Rawatbhata, Tarapur and Kakrapar in India where these people have been found to have problems and this is a very serious problem.

Apart from this, the water that is stored for cooling nuclear reactors also comes out of the use of the common man, due to lack of water. With the same nuclear weapons, there is a fear of spreading peace in the world.

Today, many such countries have nuclear weapons whose intention is not good and it is in the verge of ending, and if they attack, then the rest of the country will also be ruined.
