29 Extremely Important Facts About Vedic Culture

Important Facts About Vedic Culture
Vedic Culture
  1. The word 'Arya' is mentioned 36 times in Rig Veda.
  2. Many things of the Rig Veda match with Avesta, which is the oldest book of the Iranian language.
  3. The river is most discussed in Rigveda.
  4. In the Rigveda, Saraswati has gone to the river (sacred river).
  5. There is a discussion of the Ganges once and the Yamuna three times in Rig Veda.
  6. Dusragya war between King Sudas and Ani ten kings of the War of India was on the banks of the river Parushani, in which Sudas was conquered.
  7. The Rigveda has been discussed 8 times in the meeting, 9 times of committee and 22 times of Vidyadha.
  8. In the Rigvedic period, the king is called Janasi Gopa, Vishpati, Ganpati and Gopati.
  9. Rigvedic was the most prominent priest in the carpet administration.
  10.  Was the highest unit of public administration.
  11. Firstly, the description of the origin of the four characters in the man Sukta, described in the tenth division of the Rig Veda.
  12. Apala, Ghosha, Lopamudra, Vishwavara, Sikta are given to write Vedic Richa.
  13. In the Rig Vedaic period, the practice of child marriage, divorce, Sati, and curtain were not practiced in the Rigvedic period, widow marriage and practice was practiced.
  14. The discussion of a substance named Mon is in the ninth circle of Rig Veda.
  15. The main occupation of Rigvedic Aryans was pastoral.
  16. In the Rig Veda, we get the discussion of the innocent and the Shabad in the form of money.
  17. Agriculture has been mentioned 24 times in Rigveda.
  18. Rigvedic Aryans had the knowledge of five seasons.
  19. The most important deity of the Rig Vedaic period has been called 'Purandar'.
  20. The second important deity of the Rigvedic period was mediator between the fire deities and humans.
  21. In the Rig Veda, Varuna is described as the protector of moral rules.
  22. The view of Rigvedic religion was human and ethnic.
  23. 800 B.C. Atanigakheda in Gangetic Yamuna Doab has witnessed the first time agricultural equipment related to agriculture.
  24. In the Atreya Brahmin, the description of the duties of all four characters is found.
  25. In the lingual texts, the discussion of black ore (iron) is found.
  26. First of all, the description of all the processes of agriculture in the Satpath Brahmins is known as Samveda, which is considered to be the oldest book on Indian musicology.
  27. Yajurveda is written in prose and verse.
  28. In Atharvaveda, there is a compilation of Tantra-Mantra.
  29. In the household formula, there are sixteen types of rites and eight types of marriages.
