Energy Transformation | Energy changes from heat to mechanical form-physical events occurring in our day to day life using energy Transformation

Describe energy Transformation?

Energy Transformation : In all the physical events occurring in our day to day life, energy are either changing from one form to another or is being transferred from one system to another.
Here, we give below some examples of energy transformation:

Energy Transformation
Energy Transformation

1. When we rub hands, heat is generated. Here, mechanical energy of the molecules is being converted into heat energy.
2. The electric lamp is an example of electrical energy being converted into light energy. After some time, the lamp becomes hot which means that light energy in turn gets converted into heat energy.
3. If one blows air through his lips into the hole of a key, then mechanical energy is converted into sound energy.
4. When coal or oil burns, the energy changes from chemical form of heat form.
5. When electric current passed through a motor energy gets changed from electrical to mechanical form.

6. When stream works in an engine, energy changes from heat to mechanical form.
7. If electric current is passed through an insulated copper wire wound over an iron plate, then the plate is magnetized. In this case, electrical energy is transferred into magnetic energy.
8. When water from a height falls on a turbine wheel, the energy first changes from potential to kinetic energy form, and then to mechanical form. The turbine drives a dynamo and the energy changes from mechanical to electrical form.
9. In the sun, mass changes into radiant energy. The radiant energy received on earth gets stored in the form of chemical energy in coal, oil etc.
