Dimensions of a Physical Quantity

What is dimension of a physical quantity?

1. In all the systems of units, the derived units of all the physical quantities can be expressed in terms of the fundamental units of mass, length and time, raised to some power. The powers to witch fundamentals units must be raised in order to express a physical quantity, are called its dimensions. To make it clear, consider the physical quantity density which is defined as mass per unit volume.
Hence, density=mass/volume=M/L3=[M1L3T0].

Dimensions of a Physical Quantity
Dimensions of a Physical Quantity

2. a) Above expression shows that dimensions of a physical quantity (density) are 1 in mass, -3 in lengths and 0 in time.
c) Dimensional formula for density is [ML-3] or [ Ml-3T0].
d) Dimensional equation for density is [d] =[ML-3T0].

Dimensional formula of some physical quantities in mechanics and their units in different systems

Physical QuantityFormulaDimensional FormulaeS.I Unit
AreaLength × breadth[L2]m2
VolumeLength × breadth × height[L3]m3
Speed or velocityDistance/time[LT-1]m/s
ForceMass × acc[MLT-2]Newton
WorkForce × distance(FsCosθ)[ML2T-2]Kg.m2/s2 or jule
Energy(Mechanical heat, light etc)1/2mv2 or mc2[ML2T-2]N ×m
PowerdW/dt[ML2T-3]J/s or watt
Momentum or ImpulsemV[MLT-1]Kg-m/sec
Momentum of force or TorqueForce × distance[ML2T-2]N ×m
Angle or solid angleArc/radius[M0L0T0]Radians
StrainChange in dimensions/original dimensions[M0L0T0]No unit
Coefficient of ElasticityStress/Strain[ML-1T-2]N/m2
Surface TensionEnergy/length[ML0T-2]N/m
Surface EnergyEnergy/Area[ML0T-2]J/m2
Velocity gradientVelocity/distance[ML0T-1]s-1
Coefficient of viscosityForce/Area × velocity gradient[ML-1T-1]Kgm/m/sec
Radius of gyrationDistance[M0LT0]m
Moment of InertiaMass ×(Radius of gyration)2[ML2]Kg × m2
Angular velocityAngle/Time[T-1]Radian/sec
Frequency1/T[T-1]]Cps or Hertz
Angular accelerationAngular velocity/time[M0L0T-2]Radian/sec2
Angular momentumMoment of inertia × velocity (Iω)[ML2T-1]Kgm2s-1

If anyone ask you:

What do you mean by the dimension of a physical quantity?

You can simply tell him:

The dimensions of a physical quantity are the powers to which the fundamental units are raised to represent a physical quantity.