Atom Models

What are atom Models?

Thomson Atom Models

Thomson Atom Models suggest an atom to be a tiny sphere of radius ≈ 10-10 m, containing the positive charge. The atom is electrically neutral. It contains an equal negative charge in the form of electrons, which are embedded randomly in the sphere, like seeds in a water melon. This model failed to explain
1) Large angle scattering of a particles
2) Origin of spectral lines observed in the spectrum of hydrogen atom.

Thomson Atom Models
                                                                                    Thomson Atom Models

Rutherford atom models

It was assumed that negatively charged electrons remove around the nucleus in circular or bits. The model failed because it predicted continuous atomic spectrum and an unstable atom which revolving electrons falling into the nucleus due to continuous loss of energy.
Rutherford atom models
Rutherford atom models

Bohr atom models

Bhor modified Rutherford atom model, by postulating that electrons can revolve around the nucleus in stationary orbits only and energy is radiated only when an electron jumps from an outer stationary orbit (n2) to an inner stationary orbit (n1).

Bohr atom models
Bohr atom models

Property of Bohr atom models

1) Electrons revolve around the nucleus in elliptical orbit.
2) Mass of electron relativistic ally with its velocity as m = m0/√(1-v2/c)
3) For a particular principal quantum number (n) , there will be sub orbit of different eccentricities of different l values.
4) Total angular momentum of electron is resultant of orbital angular momentum and redial angular momentum. Both are quantized separately.